Our Big Dream
We believe every child matters and every child counts.
CityKidz was founded on a big dream to see a future free of child poverty; a future where all children have equal opportunity to thrive and achieve their full potential.
Through faith, hope and love, we seek to transform lives and end child poverty, one child at a time.

Child Poverty in Canada
1 in 5
Canadian children are growing up in poverty.
The stresses and deprivations of poverty affect children in their homes, their schools, their communities, and their hearts.
Poverty denies opportunities and undermines childhood development in ways that put children at a disadvantage in so many critical aspects of their lives. It makes it difficult for them to achieve their full potential and break the cycle of poverty for future generations.
Children make up nearly 40% of food bank users
Children who grow up and remain in poverty have a lifespan up to 20 years shorter than their middle-class peers
1 in 7 people using shelters in Canada is a child
Our Solution
What started in Hamilton as a weekend drop-in session for a few dozen kids has grown into multiple programs serving thousands of children and youth of all ages.
CityKidz programs are a stable force of love and support for kids from before they can read until well after they’ve written their final high school exams. We teach our kids that they matter, that they are loved, and that they can change their future – and with it, the world.

1,925 Meals
Nourish hungry kids every month through our Meal Kit and lunch program.

1,275 Children & Youth
Engage in our life-changing experiences and mentorship programs each year.

43 Scholarships
Given to our program graduates to help finance their post-secondary education.

650 Families
Receive support each week through Home Visits from dedicated volunteers.
Join our Community of Hope
Make a lasting difference in children’s lives.
Your monthly support provides children with life-changing programs, essential resources, and nurturing mentorship opportunities. It allows us to be there for children and youth in their moments of struggle and times of celebration.
Stories of Hope
These stories highlight the many ways – both big and small – that your support is making a big difference in young lives.

Your Love In Action
Last Christmas, your generosity made Christmas wishes come true for thousands of children in the CityKidz community and beyond.

2022 Highlights
This is what a year of faith, hope and love looks like!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfZTebWbgio

Avant – A Kid You Can Count On
The first thing you’ll probably notice about Avant is his hair. It’s long and curly and free in a way that would make Diana Ross
Volunteers Transform Lives
Whatever your time, whatever your talents, you can make a transformative difference in a child’s life.
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Inspire Big Dreams
Help us build strong foundations of faith, hope and love into children’s lives and watch them thrive.