Join our
Community of Hope!
When we can depend on you, our kids can depend on us.
Your monthly support allows us to be there for children and youth both in their moments of struggle and times of celebration. Your dependable gift lets us walk alongside vulnerable children from before they can read through to their final high-school exams.
1 in 5
Hamilton children are living in poverty.
Committing to a Brighter Future
Growing up in poverty denies opportunities and undermines childhood development in ways that make it difficult for them to break the cycle of poverty for future generations.
Committed monthly donors ensure that CityKidz children receive the love, support, and nurturing experiences they need to dream big and reach their full potential.

What is our Community of Hope?
This is CityKidz’ community of monthly donors. They’re amazing folks who are committed to the empowerment of children growing up in low-income neighbourhoods. Working together, monthly donors make an ongoing investment in the limitless potential of resilient children to transform their lives and with them, the world.
Why become a monthly donor?
Becoming a monthly donor is a personal commitment to the long-term, sustainable well-being of the most vulnerable children in our city. By pledging to a monthly gift, you ensure that every child can access CityKidz programs year-round.
Monthly giving:
- Empowers us to nurture long-term, transformative relationships that build resiliency and help children to thrive.
- Gives us the resources to go deeper in our relationships and programming so that we can have an ever-more meaningful and enduring impact on the lives of vulnerable children.
- Is affordable – you can choose a monthly donation that works for you and you are free to change your giving amount.
- Lowers our fundraising and administrative costs, meaning that more funding can go directly towards improving the lives of children.
- Enables us to plan ahead and develop new initiatives and investments in our children.

Join our Community of Hope!
Become a monthly donor today.
Want to know more? Here’s what you need to know.
Your monthly support provides dynamic programming and mentorship that teaches kids that they are known, loved, and capable of anything they set their minds to. This includes:
- Interactive and engaging programming – both in-person and online.
- Nourishing meals for hungry children.
- Mentorship that supports mental health and helps youth develop communication, leadership. and life skills.
- Weekly connections through Home Visits that nurture strong and resilient communities.
While we certainly hope that you can continue your commitment for years to come, you’re welcome to cancel or change your support at any time and for any reason.
For any number of reasons, people make changes all the time. If you would like to make changes to your monthly giving, cancel your donation or make changes to your information (address, credit card number, etc.) contact Lisa at or 905-544-3996 ext. 215.
No, we do not trade, sell or otherwise share your information with any other charity or organization. Your privacy is very important to us. Please feel free to read our Privacy Policy.
Each February, we will issue you one cumulative tax receipt for any and all donations made during the previous calendar year.
The challenges of COVID-19 and the introduction of our new CityKidz Cares Project led us to look for a better, more impactful monthly giving model to support our work and our kids.
After much thought, prayer, and consultation, we felt that the term ‘Child Sponsorship’ no longer accurately reflected the structure of our monthly giving program. Even though the name is changing, monthly gifts will still have the same tremendous impact.
Still have questions? We’ve got answers!
To learn about monthly giving at CityKidz, contact Lisa Kostopoulos using the form below or calling 905-544-3996 ext. 215.
Volunteers Transform Lives
Whatever your time, whatever your talents, you can make a transformative difference in a child’s life.
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Inspire Big Dreams
Help us build strong foundations of faith, hope and love into children’s lives and watch them thrive.